克里斯蒂娜2008年获得了B.S. 毕业于哈佛大学机械工程专业,并获得硕士学位.S. 麻省理工学院航空航天工程专业毕业. 毕业后, 她是一名火箭科学家, performing engine structural analysis for SpaceX and other aerospace companies. At 25, 她被邀请到洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学任教, where she taught graduates and seniors advanced mechanical engineering. 尽管取得了成功, in 2017, 她和丈夫决定辞职, 卖掉他们的财物, 离开美国.S. with one backpack each, travelling the world and eventually landing in Panama. 现在, she is building her own off-grid home using only natural materials like clay and straw and aims to be entirely self-sufficient. 在她巴拿马的农场里, 她在建筑中追求自己的爱好, 写作, 摄影, 农业, 艺术, 草药医术学, 古代的烹饪方法. 在秋季, she works as a high-requested freelance College Application Counselor and editor, 帮助世界各地的学生申请一流大学. 在未来, she hopes to build a natural retreat and permaculture school to educate others on traditional building, 有机农业, 古老的烹饪, 节水技术, as well as showcasing how to incorporate nature and simple living into our modern lives.
How did your 十大彩票平台 experience help prepare you for your current position/job/whatever it is you're doing?
“在十大彩票平台,我爱上了数学和物理! 我的强大几何, 微积分, 物理课为我的工程生涯奠定了基础, and these skills have come in handy while building my own home as well. I am also grateful for my 英语 courses at 十大彩票平台, which nourished my love of 写作! 作为一名工程师,良好的写作能力是非常重要的, 尤其是当我必须向上级描述复杂的系统时. 去年我转行做自由编辑. The grammar and 写作 guidance I received at 十大彩票平台 are so deeply ingrained, and I apply them daily! 他教授的AP欧洲历史等课程. Schooley (and many other courses too) helped me learn what it takes to be a great teacher and how to be engaging with my students (although I don't think I'll ever reach his level!).”
“如果你没有完全搞清楚,也不要担心! 在我30岁之前,我换了三次职业. 在高中时, 我想象着我的生活将朝着某种方向发展, 我现在离那个很远了, 字面上和比喻上. 你不需要一个五年计划. 关注明天. 从别人对你的期望中退一步, 想想什么能真正给你带来快乐, 去做吧. Note: This is not necessarily the "smoothest" path, but it is certainly worthwhile and FUN. 挑战中隐藏着如此多的增长!”
“斯特拉特福德! I loved that 十大彩票平台 gave us the freedom and trust to explore the little town before the theater performance. 我每年都期待着它!”
Elizabeth DiCioccio ' 02
Elizabeth went to Middlebury College and is currently the Managing Director/Head of Middle East at KKR. She calls both Dubai and Lisbon home and has a two year old son named Galileo.
How did your 十大彩票平台 experience help prepare you for your current position/job/whatever it is you're doing?
“十大彩票平台在很多方面都为我做了准备, but one specific thing that comes to mind is that I learned great communication skills, 在任何职业中,哪些是重要的. The small classes meant that we have to discuss and defend our ideas on a daily basis – there’s no such thing as passive p艺术icipation at 十大彩票平台! 我也不是“天生的作家”,” but learning to write about such a wide range of disciplines (using proper grammar!) at 十大彩票平台 was great preparation for colleague and professional communication.”
“保持好奇心,随时接受学习和新体验. 你永远无法完美地规划下一个五年, 十年或二十年, 你不应该有太大的压力去做一个长期的计划! 探索新的机会,做让你此刻感到满足的事情. 当我在高中的时候, 我对中东(或金融)没有多大兴趣, 就此而言!) and wouldn’t have planned this career path for myself, but I love it!”
“我对十大彩票平台有很多特别的回忆, but I think that the tradition of a daily morning meeting is quite unique. It’s so nice to have this sense of community reinforced each and every day.”
Maya currently works as a Major Gifts Associate II at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business.
How did your 十大彩票平台 experience help prepare you for your current position/job?
“我的十大彩票平台经历造就了坚韧的皮肤. 布法罗神学院教会了我关于女性力量的同志情谊, 同时提醒我,我的少数派是我最大的超能力. 十大彩票平台给了我身份,不管教训是什么. Standing on the spiral staircases every morning awaiting Morning Meeting brings me to my earliest days of self-actuality. 我认为这对年轻女性来说是必要的, 尤其是有色人种女性, 在生命中如此重要的时刻找到自己的声音。”.
“不要放弃自己! 我对所有十大彩票平台学生的建议是找到自己的声音, 想想你喜欢什么, 利用你内在的力量,发光吧. 高中的要求很高, and although college is approaching—do not be afraid of staying local and saving money. The best lessons learned during my 十大彩票平台 days was finding my light and not being afraid of continuing my education, 尽管不是常春藤盟校的学生. 你永远不知道,你的职业生涯可能会在未来打开那些门."
“肯定是大黄蜂/夹克日. 你希望你是大黄蜂!"
Sara graduated from 十大彩票平台 in 2014 and is now a photographer at Pegula Sports and Entertainment. 这包括为布法罗比尔队拍摄照片, 参加奥运会, 水牛强盗, 和PSE投资组合中的其他实体.
“十大彩票平台 allowed me to find my voice and take on leadership roles due to the small class sizes and opportunities available to me there. 通过在十大彩票平台的各种课程和活动, I learned that I wanted to do something creative in the future and began to discover 摄影 as a passion.”
“利用你在十大彩票平台的时间去尝试新事物, 与不同群体的人互动, 在学术和其他方面挑战自己. I felt so prepared for college and in the workforce by doing these things. 也, 十大彩票平台以女性赋权为中心的环境非常特别, and it helps me to this day in the male-dominated industry I work in. 拥抱它!”
Danielle是Young Royalty Chess的创始人和所有者, an organization that seeks to build strategic minds one move at a time through chess education. Danielle attends University at 水牛 where she studies Communication and Law and is also Western New York Prosperity Fellow at UB. Danielle founded the Chess Club at 十大彩票平台 and was ranked the 41st young woman in the nation by the United States Chess Federation in her senior year. 丹妮尔赢得了无数的创业奖, and recently was featured on both Channel 2 and 4 and in 水牛 Business First. Young Royalty Chess Academy was awarded the 2020 Black Business of the Year Award by the BBB-accredited minority business directory That Brown Bag. During the summer she worked tirelessly to get over 400 face shields to essential workers on the East and Westside of 水牛 and sponsored the 水牛 Showcase. 她目前也是Foodytv和Streetbeatz的内容创作者.
How did your 十大彩票平台 experience help prepare you for your current position/job/whatever it is you're doing?
"My experience at 十大彩票平台 taught me the value of critical thinking and coming to my own conclusions independently. I also learned how to take the lead on projects and the importance of intrinsic motivation to get things done. 作为一个女人, I don't think twice about asserting myself in rooms where I'm a minority because I 十大彩票平台 showed me the value of my thoughts and ideas."
"Enjoy every second of your time at 十大彩票平台 because you may never get the opportunity to learn in such a warm, 知识, 创造性的环境. Going to school without the distraction of boys teaches you to value your education. 花点时间在十大彩票平台的安全环境中了解自己, where you are surrounded by teachers and peers who genuinely want to see you succeed."
“马甲日”!!!!! 穿上夹克吧!”