科学系培养人们对科学的热情和信心, 为学生准备大学水平的科学课程,培养具有科学素养的女性毕业生.
其最终目标是为三个核心科学提供坚实的基础:物理(大一), biology (sophomore year), and chemistry (junior year).
我们的课程是根据学生在数学方面的进步而设计的, 每个女孩都要在书面论文和讨论中解释科学现象. 我们还鼓励通过基于项目的评估来发挥创造力. 无论她是否选择科学作为她的最终职业道路, we believe that every girl can “do science.” We strive to foster an atmosphere of respect, confidence, and leadership through classroom discussions, group assignments, and laboratory work.
Our core sequence provides:
- progression of difficulty of material
- scaffolded independence in learning
Laboratory based core courses provide:
- hands-on science
- application to class lectures
- proficiency in problem-solving
Student-teacher interactions provide:
- the opportunity for students to ask questions
- connections of course content to daily experiences
Senior electives provide:
- experience in college-level material
- more specificity of interesting topics
- 有机会扩展在核心序列中学到的科学技能
Science Department Chair
Joanie Beck
Course Descriptions
Each of the core courses are heavily laboratory-based, 当前课程所涵盖的主题在实践实验中的应用. 学生将获得必要的关键实验室技能,以在未来进行更高级的大学水平的实验室.
荣誉水平的生物和化学课程的设计,使学生将准备在年底参加这些主题的SAT II科目考试. 荣誉级别课程的主题有更详细的介绍, 学生们需要在课堂和实验中做更多的分析工作. 此外,荣誉级别的课程更注重写作. 注意:荣誉课程不是AP理科课程的先决条件.
- Systems Engineering
- Introduction to Physics
- Biology and Honors Biology
- Chemistry and Honors Chemistry
- AP Biology
- AP Chemistry
- AP Physics C (Mechanics)
- AP Physics 1 (Algebra Based)
Systems Engineering
Introduction to Physics
Biology and Honors Biology
Chemistry and Honors Chemistry
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics C (Mechanics)
AP Physics 1 (Algebra Based)
*请注意,AP课程的注册只能由老师推荐. 有很多因素可以帮助科学教师确定AP科学课程是否适合我们的学生, 包括但不限于他们在预修科学课程中获得的成绩, demonstration of an ability to work independently, and a recommendation from their current science teacher.
包括当前的选修课,虽然不是所有的选修课都是每年或每三个月提供一次. Electives can be mixed and taken one trimester at a time.
学生还可以通过十大彩票平台的会员资格参加额外的选修课和AP课程 Online School for Girls.
这些三个月的课程涉及特定身体系统的解剖学和生理学, 包括身体功能不正常时发生的疾病.
这些三个月的课程包括我们自己的太阳系, as well as the wider universe.